29 Dec 2016

Heroes (USA, 1977)

Heroes (USA, 1977). Director: Jeremy Kagan. Stars: Henry Winkler, Sally Field, Harrison Ford...

For some reason I had never heard of this movie, although it was apparently a pretty big hit at the time. This was the first film people saw Ford in after Star Wars, even though it was filmed before... it’s a small role. John Cassavettes does a cameo.

At one point, Winkler goes into a bar with unsavory characters. We spot three machines... from left to right... a Jubilee (Williams, 1973), a Sure Shot (Gottlieb, 1976) wedgehead, and a Triple Strike (Williams, 1975)...

A fight breaks out and Field comes to the rescue by driving their car right through the wall... but since it was in the wide gap between the Sure Shot and Triple Strike, luckily no pinball machines were hurt... unlike the pool table...

Game over.

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